Sunday, 7 August 2016

Social Media

Social Media

Social media will F*** You Up
if you're not careful.
I know, because I have nearly got depress
by just scrolling down my page,
and compare to people i see.
Oh, they got more followers, more likes.
Oh, they are travelling the world, going beach.
and I'm at home doing nothing.
Seems like they have a better car,
better job, better house than me.

This comparing habit will drive us crazy,
and if want to live a happy peaceful life,
then we must let go the comparing mindset.
Because the comparison are false,
you're comparing yourself to an image.
Because that's their best presentation.
That sweet couple they have a lot of problem
and they ain't showing.
That girl in the magazine,
don't look like the girl in the magazine.
Because it's just special effect and filters going on.

Don't compare your behind the scene to a highlight.
As far as you go be patient to your life,
you don't need to compare people life to yours.
Don't fall into the trap where it change your mood.
Just calmly watch it,
and it slowly dissolve into thin air.

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