Depression, many of us thinks that we are depressed
But we are not.
I was once depressed on love.
I was so depressed that I feel like I have no life anymore.
That was when I was naive and close minded.
There is many ways to overcome the depression.
Well, imagine You are the sky,
Depression, Frustration etc are the clouds.
They come and they go.
But You are always here because you are the sky
Some stay awhile, but in the end they will go.
Big problems comes, when you started to identify as depression.
Never identify with things that which comes and goes.
For me, when problems come I observe it.
Allow it to come and go without resistant.
Because I know that it was not me.
It is just a problem that everyone will face.
Problem comes and goes,
We need to learn how to overcome and face it.
In order achieve our goals.
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