Sunday, 21 August 2016



Love yourself before you get into a Relationship.
What is the most important thing
to remember in a relationship?
Is it Honesty? Compassion? Trust?
No, It's YOU.

See, You have to figure it out
Who YOU are before entering a relationship.
You have live with yourself for 20, 30, 40 plus years.
All that time you still yet to figure out
How to be Patient, Happy, Alone.

How do you create an environment that another
human being can be happy in?
You can't do it, no matter how hard you try.
You will blaming your partner for
everything that goes wrong.
Instead of realizing that you feeling
of Happiness and Sadness happen to you. Because of You.
Because of how you interpret things, Its all YOU.

You have to love yourself 
before you love someone else.
I don't know about you,
but my relationship never worked out.
When i put too much force energy into 
trying to please the other person.
Being someone i wasn't i lost to who i was.
I was focus on being compatible to the other person.
instead of being the best me that i could be.

The funny thing is.
When two people are working on 
being the best version of themselves.
Cultivating their own happiness and compassion.
That's when the most compatible.
That's when the magical long term relationship happens.
So marry yourself before marrying someone else.

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